How do I use my card for purchases?
1. You need to activate the Visa card first before using.
To learn how to activate click here.
2. Insert or swipe your card through the merchant terminal
3. Press "Credit"
4. Enter your PIN as prompted.
Can I use my card for a transaction that is more than the funds available on my card?
Yes, you can but you must advise the sales staff prior to payment being made.
For example, if the available funds on your card is $20 and the transaction total is $25 you must advise the sales staff you only have $20 available on your Visa Prepaid card. They will then process a split payment where you can use your Visa Prepaid Card to pay $20 first. Once complete you will then be required to pay the additional $5 using another form of payment such as cash or credit card.
If the sales staff are not aware of the balance on the card and the payment is not split the transaction will decline as there is not sufficient funds on the card.
Note: Monthly maintenance fees are charged at the start of the 7th month from when your Card was issued and will continuing until either your balance is zero or the card expires.
To avoid these fees being charged please ensure you use your funds prior to this time.
If a transaction is declined, then a 0.15c fee will be deducted from the funds available on your card.
Please see attachment for more information on how to use the Visa card.
Click here for more information about the fees and charges for the Visa card
Click here for more information on how to check the fund balance
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