Additional store and no barcode options are now available on Scan n GO. Record your online purchases under Amazon, Catch of the Day and eBay as our online shopping options continue to expand. We have also added “meal delivery kit” option to you no barcode menu.
What is a meal delivery kit?
A variety of portioned fresh ingredients which may include meat, vegetables, fruits, starches, and spices delivered to your door along with a recipe card to prepare a meal at home (such as Hello Fresh, Marley Spoon). Do not include mixed fresh fruit/veg/seafood/meat delivered to your from your local greengrocer, or whatever you purchase at a farmers market under Meal Delivery kit option, use no barcode vegetable/fruit/meat other option. We'll be adding a "food box" option in the near future to record those purchases.
How to access the new listings
- To record your online purchases under Amazon, Catch of the Day and Ebay:
Tap New Purchase -> Online Shopping
- To record meal delivery Kit:
Tap New Purchase -> Meal kits online-> tap no barcode icon -> meal delivery kit
We will keep expanding your shopping options based our research needs and your feedback. Please let us know if you are having trouble finding these options under your store and no barcode listings.
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