How do I check my points balance?




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    Debbra Meyer

    When I scan down all 10 of my messages on my scanner, they are all blank. They have always been blank ever since I received my scanner. I have never once had a message, so I don’t know how I am meant to ever know what points I have as I do not have a mobile phone. I will write/chat with the help desk, or phone iri themselves, as this is the only way I am ever going to know what points I have so far earned. It is a shame that we can not just bring up our points total by an easier means when we sign in.

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    IRI Shopper Panel Support

    Hi Debbra 

    I totally understand your frustration ,  I can see we have swapped your scanner , your messages should have started to appear on your scanner , points are updated weekly.  you can also view your points ,order gifts, complete surveys to earn extra points on our website. I will send you a link as well as your login details 

    to your email address. 

    Have an awesome day 

    IRI Shopper Panel 

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